
Check-In Policies Pack Feedback Request

I have decided to skip the post about merge and deleted items for today in order to get some feedback from you on Check-in Policies. Currently, we are thinking of releasing a check-in policy pack out of band that includes some very commonly used policies, an example being "Check-in comment field cannot be empty".


The reason why I say thinking is that we need enough customer evidence to really justify the investment (we have some but not a lot), if we don’t invest time in this we can divert the effort to other highly requested items, hence the dilemma and trade-offs. So, this is where your feedback comes in: "Would you like us to release a check-in policy pack together with some best practices and ship that out of band?" (Feedback 1)


If we decide to do this then the next question becomes which policies are customers writing themselves that we can standardize and put in the pack? (Feedback 2) The empty comment field is a great example of one that a lot of our customers write and is standard.


And finally the next logical progression from here is which policies would customers like to see as examples? (Feedback 3) Maybe you want to write a policy but you think is very complicated and are wandering if there is an easier way to perform that task, etc.


Summarizing we need your votes for the first one, the more votes we get the better our decision will be. Then if you have thoughts and ideas on #2, and #3 let us know in the comments.


