
Inline Tasks CTP Walkthrough Update

Well the CTP is now out, and I hope all are enjoying a preview of the new features being released in Visual Studio 2010.


Of particular interest is the walkthrough "How to Create an Inline Task".

  • In this walkthrough, "How to Create an Inline Task", we are highlighting our new feature "Inline Tasks" that allows you to write tasks in C# right inside your MSBuild (Project) file. This means you no longer have to build a separate assembly. It helps make custom build steps easy. Our sample walkthrough highlights how you might write a custom build rule to send an email when your build is complete.

However, with the quick pace to get the CTP bits out the door, we realized that some critical files for the Inline Tasks walkthrough did not make it onto the VPC.

In order to provide you with this really cool walkthrough, we have updated the documentation and have provided the missing bits in a zip file.

Please check out the post in our forums for more information.




Chuck England
Visual Studio Platform
Program Manager - Project and Build
