
UI Content for MSDN Subscriber Downloads

On to the next part of MSDN Subscriber Downloads planning:  One of the areas that we're going through is the non-download content on the MSDN Subscriptions and MSDN Subscriber Downloads site.  Currently, these two sites are totally separate, but after our upcoming release they'll be much more tightly integrated.  I'm starting to work on the various contact, FAQ, and help files that have accreted over the years to come up with simplified subscription and subscriber downloads UI content. 

Currently, I'm looking to have an Internal set of help links and an External set of links.  The Internal links, for signed-in subscribers, would point to information on shipments, support, renewing and updating subscriptions, contact, etc.  The External links in the Subscriptions left-hand navigation would contain a revised versions of the information currently available, such as a simplified FAQ, info on the subscription offerings and how to buy, and so on.  I may try to see if I can get some sample screenshots made up for comments, but if anyone has any particular pain points with the current Subscriptions site content, then I'd be pleased to hear about them so that I can add them as necessary to my list.