
Official foursquare Windows Phone 7 App Re-Released and Availabile for Download

*Update Alert* Since my May 4, 2011 posting, I am delighted to announce that the much anticipated official foursquare 2.X app for Windows Phone is available for download as of July 1, 2011. For further information, please refer to the following foursquare announcement and my recent posting.


Below announcement dated May 4, 2011

Greetings, my name is Liz Ngo, from the Global ISV Group at Microsoft Corporation. I have the fortunate luxury to collaborate with many talented partners; one of which is foursquare.

I am here to give a special shout out to our friends from both the foursquare and Windows Phone communities. Over the last year, we have discovered and learned from many of you that Windows Phone 7 is a great leap for Microsoft. In the spirit of this, foursquare will soon unveil a new foursquare mobile app that will take advantage of some of the unique capabilities, features, and experience for Windows Phone 7.

Keep up the enthusiasm, keep up the dedication, and we will continue to keep you posted as we continue to develop the new official foursquare mobile app for Windows Phone 7.