
Free web developer event in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney

Long time readers of this blog will know that 'Mix On Campus' has been talked about for quite some time now - if you haven't already registered, you can do so at https://mixoncampus.spaces.live.com.

Well the speaker schedule for all 3 cities is finally up, and I have to say, I'm surprised at the interest members of community have shown in coming to present at the events. You can check out the speakers for each city below - our lineup includes MVP's, Senior Lecturers, award winning digital design firms, state AIMIA presidents, and of course, some of the Microsoft 'evangelist' team.

Brisbane - 20th Melbourne - 26th Sydney - 30th
Registration Registration Registration
Welcome - Nick Ellery Welcome - Nick Ellery Welcome - Nick Ellery
Opening Keynote -"The Future of the Web" Bryn Giles - AIMIA / Qantm Opening Keynote - "The Future of the Web" Simon Goodrich - AIMIA / Portable Film Festival Opening Keynote - "The Future of the Web" Debra Symons - AIMIA / Alcatel Lucent Australiasia
Microsoft's Scott Barnes presents "The Journey of the 'Light - the progression of Silverlight" Microsoft's Michael Kordahi presents... "Software IS sexy..." Microsoft's Shane Morris presents... "Designers and Developers - Learning to Get Along"
Break Break Break
Speaker tbc "How-to : dotcom startups" - David Geddes / Si-Mi.com "Designing and developing for Mobiles" - Rob Manson / MobileOnlineBusiness.com
"Why you should Popfly" with Nick Hodge "Why you should Popfly" with Nick Hodge "Why you should Popfly" with Nick Hodge
"Step Up - the Web Careers session" JSA & Microsoft "Step Up - the Web Careers session" Reactive, Lemonade, Microsoft "Step Up - the Web Careers session" - Eclipse, Microsoft
"Games Development Research" - Ross Brown / QUT "XBOX and Windows Games Development with XNA Games Studio" - Glenn Wilson - VirtualRealm "XBOX and Windows Games Development with XNA Games Studio'"- Luke Drumm - Readify
Closing Address and GIVEAWAYS - Nick Ellery Closing Address and GIVEAWAYS - Nick Ellery Closing Address and GIVEAWAYS - Nick Ellery

We've also got free software, xbox 360's, hooded sweats, and more as lucky door prizes.