
Cloud Computing Day with David Chappell

I am very proud that we were able to secure David Chappell for our half-day conference about cloud computing!

On December 12th, right before Christmas, David well join us in Austria, Vienna. He will talk about his view on cloud computing in general, about several cloud computing platforms including those from Microsoft, Amazon, Google & Co.

But more specific he will unveil many of the details about the architecture and the possibilities of the Windows Azure platform we recently announced at PDC in L.A. last week. In the second part one of my colleagues and I myself will unveil some more technical details of Azure by developing two simple sample applications based on the Azure-platform so that you will be able to understand what developing for Azure will mean and how much of your code you can re-use between the on-premise- and cloud-world.

If you are interested in our Cloud Computing day, you should check out more details about the event here and register ASAP on our event registration home-page.

I would be happy to meet you for this conference in Vienna;)

