
Office 2007 SP1 Update Availability


Hi folks -

Posting this as I've noted just a little bit of confusion with how Office 2007 SP1 is made available for download after it's release yesterday. As you know, Office 2007 SP1 was released yesterday to Microsoft Update, and to WSUS as part of the Tues, Dec 11th release.


As planned, Office 2007 SP1 was not pushed via Automatic Updates. There has been some confusion where Windows Vista customers are seeing Office 2007 SP1 listed as available with an option to install in their Windows Update control panel applet. The new Vista experience of the Windows Update applet combines the convenience of the Microsoft Update site, by listing all applicable available updates, and the best of the Automatic Updates behavior. This allows users to specify what update types they want to automatically download and install (and when), as well as combines the interactive experience of the Microsoft Update site.

On Vista in the Windows Update Control Panel Applet, the Office 2007 SP1 will appear as an available update to download and install, but it will NOT automatically download and install, regardless of the automatic settings. Download and installation of the Office 2007 SP1 via the Vista Windows Update control panel applet requires explicit user interaction, just as with the Microsoft Update site. Users can postpone the download and installation of Office 2007 SP1 on Vista, by simply going to the Control Panel, selecting the Windows Update applet and clicking "View available updates". Once the list of available updates appears, they can de-select or uncheck the box next to Office 2007 SP1 and choose to download and install other updates, or just close the applet. The next time the user is notified or the client checks for updates, the applet will again show the Office 2007 SP1 update in the available update list. If users have the automatic installation settings set to 'scheduled' install, Office 2007 SP1 will still not automatically install. If users would like to not be notified of SP1’s availability again or see it listed, customers can hide the SP1 update by right-clicking it in the available updates list, and clicking "hide update".


Microsoft is committed to giving our customers thirty days notice before we release Office 2007 SP1 to AU. This policy was designed with Office customers in mind and their desire to be aware for planning purposes when key service packs become available. For customers who want the benefits of Office 2007 SP1 now, we have made it available from the site with the added Vista feature of ensuring that awareness and ability to take action is readily available for our customers when they decide to download and install it.

* Note: As noted to beta customers, If beta customers are running Vista SP1 beta software, as part of the beta program, Office 2007 SP1 on pre-release Windows Vista SP1 will automatically install as planned for this beta program.

thanks very much,


Bobbie Harder