
Two Surprises During Keynotes – Two Things for You To Do

We have two surprises planned for you during the keynotes on Wednesday, March 4th.

The First Surprise

For the first one, I have to keep it a surprise and you’ll just have to trust me that it will be great, exciting, and fun! However, to prepare for that surprise, I need your help! We need to ask you to sign a Permission Slip to participate. Don’t worry, we won’t be asking you to scale walls, do “trust falls” or anything like that, but it does involve cameras. Just in case you’re not up for participating, we have a plan for that too.

The Second Surprise

Regarding the second surprise, you may have noticed that we didn’t tell you who the Technical Leadership Team panel is during S. Somasegar’s keynote. I decided you should know now, because once you know, I bet you’ll have specific questions you want to ask! The panel will be all comprised of Technical Fellows!

What You Need To Do
  Surprise #1 – During Mike Nash’s Keynote

Microsoft will be filming during the first Keynote Session held on Wednesday, March 4, 2009. This extra activity requires MVPs to sign a Permission Form to grant Microsoft rights to use and reproduce any of the film or video taken during this Keynote session for promotion purposes. 

The form will be made available for MVPs to sign during the on-site Summit registration at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center (WSCTC). However, your MVP Lead will also provide a blank copy of the form via email. If you want to speed up the on-site registration process, you can print and sign the form ahead of time and then simply return it when you arrive to register on-site at the MVP Global Summit. 

Please let your MVP Lead know if you have any questions or concerns about the Permission Form before you arrive at the MVP Global Summit. You can also check the FAQ below for more information on this topic.



Q: Why do I have to sign a Permission Form for the MVP Summit this year?

A: This year, there will be some special filming done at the first Keynote on Wednesday, March 4th. Because the filming may be used for external Microsoft marketing purposes, your permission is required to allow Microsoft to repurpose the filming for promotion purposes.

Q: Can I print and sign the Permission Form in advance?

A: Yes. MVPs who wish to speed up their registration time can print and sign the Permission Form in advance. Simply return the Permission Form at the time you complete on-site Summit registration.

Q: Can I return the Permission Form electronically?

A: No, electronic return of the Permission Form will not be accepted. However, MVPs who wish to speed up their registration time can print and sign the Permission Form in advance. Simply return the Permission Form at the time you complete on-site Summit registration.

Q: What is Microsoft planning to do with the film that is taken?

A: Microsoft may reproduce all videotaping or photography for promotion purposes in an online marketing campaign.

Q: What happens if I elect not to sign the Permission Form?

A: If you elect not to sign the Permission Form, you may still attend MVP Global Summit. However, your entry to the first Keynote scheduled on March 4th will be denied.

Q: Are there other options to view the Keynote if I elect not to attend the session live?

A: MVPs who do not attend the Keynote session live can view the session on-demand after the Summit concludes through MVP Connect Services.

  Surprise # 2 – S. Somasegar Keynote & Technical Fellows Panel
  You have a unique opportunity to pose questions to Technical Fellows during this panel. Please submit your questions now.
  Question For Mohsen Agsen Information about Mohsen.
  Question for Brian Harry Information about Brian.
  Question for Patrick Dussud Information about Patrick.
  Question for Anders Hejlsberg Information about Anders.




Authored by: Paulette Suddarth, Global Events Marketing Manager, Community and Online Support