
NanoServerApiScan.exe updated for TP5

If you developed a 64-bit application, tool, or agent for Windows Server in C/C++, you can use NanoServerApiScan.exe to check if your app will also run on Nano Server. Remember that Nano Server is 64-bit only and won’t run 32-bit binaries.

NanoServerApiScan.exe scans a directory containing your binaries and reports an error if it finds an API that is not available in Nano Server. It even provides replacement API suggestions in many cases. NanoServerApiScan.exe requires .NET Framework version 4.0 or higher.



  1. Download the attached exe file and copy it to a local folder
  2. Open a Nano Server image and copy all the files under c:\Windows\System32\Forwarders to the same local folder you copied the attached exe to.
  3. Download and install the Windows 10 SDK: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/downloads/windows-10-sdk


NanoServerApiScan.exe /BinaryPath:<directory containing your binaries> /WindowsKitsPath:<Windows SDK directory>

/BinaryPath (Mandatory): The directory containing your binaries. NanoServerApiScan.exe will parse all sub-directories as well.

/WindowsKitsPath (Mandatory): The Windows 10 SDK contains OneCore.lib and other important files for NanoServerApiScan.exe. Use this parameter to specify the Windows 10 SDK directory.



NanoServerApiScan.exe /BinaryPath:e:\Temp\Test /WindowsKitsPath:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits"

Sample output from NanoServerApiScan.exe:

=== e:\Temp\Test\LrmApi.dll ===



    GetStartupInfoA (Proc not found)

      Please use API GetStartupInfoW as substitution.

    SetHandleCount (Proc not found)


For a list of supported APIs in Nano Server, please go to: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt588480(v=vs.85).aspx


