
SQL Server Label Security Toolkit

The Label Security Toolkit provides tools and techniques for using Microsoft® SQL Server (versions 2005 through 2012) to implement row-level security (RLS) and cell-level security (CLS) based on security labels.

The major components of the Toolkit are:
• The Label Policy Designer application
• Documentation
• Examples showing the implementation of row- and cell-level security in different scenarios

The toolkit complements the whitepaper: https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/8/0/880F282A-AA4E-4351-83C0-DFFA3B56A19E/SQL_Server_2012_RLS_and_CLS_White_Paper_January2012.docx.

For more information about securing SQL Server, visit https://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/en/us/solutions-technologies/mission-critical-operations/security-and-compliance.aspx