
Troubleshooting User Profile Sync Issues in Office SharePoint Server 2007


In SharePoint Server 2007, we often run into situations where some attributes of a user is updated in Active Directory however the changes don’t reflect in SharePoint Sites even after doing Profile Import.

Lets take an example of a user "Susan Burk" who gets married and her last name changes to Johnson so her name becomes "Susan Johnson".

Active Directory (AD) folks changes the Last Name and Display Name of Susan

SharePoint Admin does a full / incremental profile import and we see that the changes have reflected in her User Profile as well.


 However, a week after Susan loges a call with IT Helpdesk stating on the company's Intranet portal, she is still listed as "Susan Burk" and it has not changed to "Susan Johnson".



SharePoint by default runs "Profile Synchronization" (PROFSYNCH) job every 1 hour and "Quick Profile Synchronization" (SWEEPSYNCH) job every 1 minute which are responsible to sync'ing any changes from Profile Store to SharePoint Sites. So, SharePoint Admin verifies these jobs are in-tact and are running on schedule for the affected web application by going to Central Admin > Timer Job Status and confirms both Profile Sync and Quick Profile Sync jobs have ran within the last hour.


So, there are quite a few things which can cause such a scenario.

  • Database is marked as read-only in SQL Server
  • Database status set to "Offline" at Central Administration > Application Management > Content Databases > Manage Content Database Settings
  • Site Collection is marked as read-only in Central Administration > Application Management > Site Collection Quotas and Locks
  • Profile Import is running from a long time
  • Configuration Cache is stale
    • 'cache.ini' file not updating at

Windows Server 2003 - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\<GUID>\cache.ini

Windows Server 2008 & 2008 R2 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\<GUID>\cache.ini

  • User is not active in SharePoint
    • "tp_IsActive" attribute is 'False' in Content Database's "dbo.UserInfo" table
  • Web Application is excluded from sync


We know its NOT SUPPORTED to make any direct changes / modifications to SharePoint databases (https://support.microsoft.com/kb/841057)


Here are the standard troubleshooting steps for the scenarios mentioned above, running all the below steps may / may not be required in every case, so you should identify the problem and apply corrective steps accordingly -  

  • Ensure the Content Database is not marked as read-only in SQL Server
  • Ensure Site Collection is not marked as read-only at Central Administration > Application Management > Site Collection Quotas and Locks
  • Profile Sync wont happen it the Profile Import is running, so ensure Profile Import job has successfully completed and you have a import schedule which is not overlapping (and hence profile import is not running all the time)
  • Run the following SQL read-only query against the SSP Database to identify the Sites which have "Moving" attribute set to 'True
    • SELECT* FROM [SharedServices1_DB].[dbo].[SiteSynch] Where Moving ='1'
  • Run the following command against each of the Site Collections you find which have "Moving" attribute set to 'True' or '1'
  • Run the below commands on a WFE which hosts Central Admin in the following order
    • stsadm -o sync -synctiming m:10 (If you have large number of users in a Site Collection where you're experiencing the issue, increase the number to h:2 {2 hours} or so such that the sync job doesn’t overlap and sync job gets sufficient time to execute)
    • stsadm -o sync -ignoreisactive 1 (switch onlyavailable in builds 12.0.6314.5000 and above)

Note: Setting ignoreisactive to '1' or 'True' will trigger all the Inactive users in the Content DB to get sync'd, which may be CPU intensive and cause a spike / transaction log growth on DB server, its important to revert it back once we are done

The actual performance impact caused by 'ignoreisactive' is determined by

  • Total number of user entries in userinfo tables of each content database.
  • The ratio of inactive/active users in userinfo table
  • Current topology architecture and hardware configuration, e.g. it will ease the perf hit if customers split the content DBs and SSP DB to separate physical hard drives, and/or they separate the SSP DB from content DBs to different physical SQL server etc.
  • How frequent they schedule the User Sync job. It's highly recommanded to set the sync job to run once everyday at non-working hour or in a test environment to evaluate the performance impact first. After understanding the SQL Disk I/O, CPU usage etc., then make the decision on how frequent and when to run the job based on business needs, and moving on to production system.
  • stsadm -o sync -deleteolddatabases 0
  • stsadm -o sync
  • If you notice none of the site collection in the entire web application are sync'ing then you may have excluded the web app. You can run the below command to correct that and get the site collection in web app to sync again.
    • Stsadm -o sync -excludewebapps ""

Note: We are passing a NULL list (observe there is no value between quotes) as there is no way to remove a specific web application from this list. So, lets say you have added 2 web applications to exclude and just want 1 to be included back then you have to remove both and then add 1 again which you don’t wish to sync)


Now wait for ~30 to 60 mins and verify if profile sync is working (you may need to wait longer if there are lot of users in the Site Collection so that all entries are updated)

  • Once confirmed its working fine; it is very important to revert back the changes to defaults
    • Set ignoreisactive back to 0 by running
      • stsadm -o sync -ignoreisactive 0
    • Set the Profile Sync job back to default time of 1 hour by running
      • stsadm -o sync -synctiming h:1


Note:  If you observe that nothing of the above has worked, try the below 2 steps

  • Detach and attach the Content DB (perform this step in a TEST ENVIRONMENT first to understand any impact prior doing on Production)
  • Try adding the user directly (not thru a Active Directory / SharePoint Group) and check




  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hello Chinh, As the user is not added to site collection anyways, it doesn't need to sync from Profile Store. If none of the People Picker properties are changed then a call to Domain Controller would be made and People Picker should return results. Please review and validate any change to People Picker properties; following article may be useful. Peoplepicker: Stsadm properties - technet.microsoft.com/.../cc263318(v=office.12).aspx

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi All, hope this is the right blog to post an issue which i am facing now in MOSS 2007. the issue is when I update any field in AD for any user it doesn't reflect in user profiles. It still shows the old update.

    * I did a full import profiles
    * Checked the Shared service timer job which is updated with recent time.
    * Checked the timer job status
    * Checked the crawl logs which is also updated.

    Please help me with any further troubleshooting steps to resolve this.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Nihaal: This isnt possible OOB in SharePoint 2007 as SharePoint 2007 doesn't use FIM so you can create Property Mappings only in "Import" direction.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi Ankit, If you meant any of OOB user related properties then you can follow this same blog post, if any custom properties then ensure its discovered as a crawled property and mapped to appropriate attribute at managed property. blogs.technet.com/.../setting-up-managed-properties-in-sharepoint-server-2007.aspx If this doesn't answer your question then please provide more details on what you're trying to achieve.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Sam: Do the Content DB IDs found with in SiteSynch table with MOVING attrib set to 1 actually exist? If not then you're potentially dealing with an orphan object (my another post) however thats a different issue.
    For the Content DBs in question, considering you have already tried all options listed here, try to detach and re-attach the Content DB with -assignnewdatabaseid parameter and check?http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc263422(v=office.12).aspx. You may want to test this operations in a test environment to understand the impact.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thank you so much for your response. I so appreciate your helpful suggestions. Issue 1 - what I see is that the full import occurs once a week - Sunday - starting at 6am. The incremental starts every day at 5am.  That does seems to fall within your recommendation. As for issue 2, I believe that one of the admins did back up a site collection and restored it to another content database within the single sharepoint web site application we have. She is not here today so I don't know for certain whether she deleted the original before restoring the backed up site collection to the new database. I don't read German, so I am uncertain how to resolve issue 2 now that it is occurring. I have tried running stsadm -o sync -listolddatabases 1 and nothing is found. However, every hour we get errors on 3 site collections. We have received no response from users regarding problems, but it seems like there should be something that I could do to resolve the issue

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @lwvirden: Thanks -site is corrected now. preparetomove -undo is still available after SP3. Screenshot: img651.imageshack.us/.../preparetomoveundo.jpg

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Muralidharan: Same scenario is described in above blog. Please follow the above blog and it should help to resolve the profile sync issue.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Nishant: ok got it. However can you help me with my issue or with any article.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Lars: Glad to know it helped :) @Farhad: No, inactive user profiles do not cause any problems. Inactive user profiles are required e.g. If you have a user who uploaded quite a few documents in the past and then left the company so in active directory the user is deleted, SharePoint would still show his/her username in last modified by field to ensure consistancy, thats why inactive profiles cannot be and shouldnt be removed.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Neatly structured .. really helpful for troubleshooting !! m/ awesome :)

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi Deepak, If you meant to display the "job title" column in the user information list (hidden list at /_catalogs/users/detail.aspx) then you could edit the view to include "Title" field.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thanks a lot.....!

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hello Paramvir, The query is still there in the above blog. SELECT * FROM [SharedServices1_DB].[dbo].[SiteSynch] Where Moving = '1'

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Rujal: Looks like users are imported successfully as you mentioned you are able to see them in User Profiles under Service Application / SSP. User Information List is per site collection entity and you will see only those users in User Information List who have been granted permissions under that site collection. You'll need to grant appropriate permissions and authorize the users before they can access resources from SharePoint.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi Corey. If the implementation is correct, 350k profiles should be just fine. SharePoint 2010 supports upto 2 million user profiles per User Profile Service Application. Details: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc262787(v=office.14).aspx#UPA

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Sam: I hope user in question has its IsActive status as 1 in DB and also I hope you're giving sufficient time for the sync job to run...
    i.e. If you have a lot of users to sync in that site collection and if you are starting full sync job (PROFSYNCH) every 5 mins, it wouldn't help as it would terminate the previous job and create new instance before it could finish processing for the previous one... If the sync job is starting too frequently like every 5 min, I would advise you to increase the interval to 1 hour or so and check.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Soupau: You could check if a similar issue is posted at https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/home?forum=sharepointadminlegacy orhttps://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/home?forum=sharepointgenerallegacy. If not, you could post your issue in detail. Opening up a support case is another option.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Sam: I'm afraid these are all suggestions I could provide thru this blog, please open up a support case to pursue this further.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Sam: There may be multiple entries for a single user in table per site collection, so I hope you have checked against the correct site collection id. Also, enabling verbose ULS logging for "User Profiles" category and analyzing those logs should be helpful.
    In my experience, I have been able to resolve all issues with regards to "User Profile to SharePoint Full Synchronization" using above points. I would advise you to open a support case if these suggestions have not helped.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Sam: I have been able to resolve all issues wrt to profile sync with one of the above steps. Please see if this KB article (which is a more structured version of this blog) helps.http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2388988

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I recently had a similar, but different, issue with profile synchronizations. I was unable to find anything online that helped me out with the solution, so I contacted Microsoft for help. For lack of a better place to post this information, I'll post here with the hope it will potentially help others. Problem #1: Scheduled profile import jobs stopped running. I could manually run the import jobs, but they would not run as scheduled. Solution #1: First a little background. I am running a multi-server farm where I have a dedicated search/central admin server, two web front ends, a SQL Reporting Services server, and a Project Server. As I was digging around in the content database for the web application that my import jobs were not working for I discovered in the dbo.TimerLock table that my project server held the timer lock on my content database. I thought that was odd...that a query server should be holding the lock, not the project server. I verified this was correct with the MS support tech. To resolve this I disabled the timer job service on the project server for about 15 minutes. Eventually the timer lock transferred to a query server and the profile imports started running as scheduled again. Problem #2: Profile synchronization was not running between MOSS and WSS for a specific web application. Solution #2: In trying to troubleshoot Problem #1 above, I had run the stsadm -o sync -excludewebapps command on my extranet web app. I was noticing that, even though the profile imports were running, the SharePoint profiles had a person's LDAP user name instead of their display name. I was unable to find anything online as to how to counter the excludewebapps command. I finally got the following from MS support:

  1. Stsadm –o sync –listolddatabases 0
  2. Stsadm –o sync –deleteolddatabases 0
  3. Stsadm –o sync –synctiming m:1
  4. Stsadm –o sync –sweeptiming m:1
  5. Stsadm –o sync –excludewebapps “” The last command was the one that reset the profile synchronization so all web apps were again included. Hopefully other folks don't run into the same issues I did, but if so, hopefully this helps!
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    In the above excellent blog posting, you state: "Profile Sync wont happen it the Profile Import is running, so ensure Profile Import job has successfully completed and you have a import schedule which is not overlapping (and hence profile import is not running all the time)" So, how can I determine this?  When I go to central admin > Shared services web site > user profiles and properties, I can view the import log, which says it completed with 0 errors. However, where do I find information about the profile sync?  Is that in Central Admin > Operations Timer Job definitions? I see definitions for Profile Sync, Quick Profile Sync, as well as other non-profile related sync jobs. The 2 profile syncs are scheduled over 25 minutes apart. On the Timer Job Status page, they are listed as 100% completed and Succeeded The Profile sync is listed as an hourly timer job. The quic profile sync job is listed as "Minutes". I am trying to resolve the following issues.
  1. Each morning I see messages that say: Job 'User Profile Incremental Import Job' failed. It will be re-tried again in 60 second(s). Reason: User profile import is in progress!Import could not be started.  Please start import later or stop import now for new import to start. Techinal Details: Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.ImportInProgressException: User profile import is in progress!Import could not be started.  Please start import later or stop import now for new import to start.
  2. As of 2 weeks ago, we hourly get event log entries (7888 and 5553) regarding 3 specific site collections saying that Event Type: Error Event Source: Office SharePoint Server Event Category: User Profiles Event ID: 5553 Date: 1/3/2013 Time: 6:01:04 AM User: N/A Computer: myserver Description: failure trying to synch site 6843287d-380a-492b-b65f-4c248fcd7af5 for ContentDB d4322356-b6db-438f-9f95-153d78b5d991 WebApp a5f6e661-8c06-4b4f-96c4-c280017425a3.  Exception message was Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.UserMemberships' with unique index 'CX_UserMemberships_RecordId_MemberGroupId_SID'. The statement has been terminated.. For more information, see Help and Support Center at go.microsoft.com/.../events.asp. We are running MOSS SP 2007 Service Pack 3. I have performed the stsadm -o sync -deleteolddbs 0 , which deletes a series of entries, but at the top of the next hour, the same errors occur.

What has changed in the past 2 weeks is that we moved some site collections from one content database to another within the same web application. I am trying to use your blog posting to figure out some way of resolving the constant messages. Thank you for your help.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Soupau: This blog aims to fix the issues once the properties are correctly showing up in User Profiles in SSP / User Profile Service application however not showing up in Site Collections.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thank you Gernot. Corrected :)

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @lwvirden: As I mentioned, the problem is two sites with the same IDs, that should be fixed! You could -

  1. Try the same steps again. i.e. backup the site collection, delete it and restore it. The site ID should change. OR
  2. export and import the problem site collection using stsadm -o export / stsadm -o import (or their PowerShell equivalents) (Please note you lose some information when using export/import when compared to backup/restore)
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    <updated the blog for better clarity and include 1 more scenario>

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hello norski0, Thanks for posting the info, it may certainly be useful to some visitors! Scenario 1 was not included as its about profile import which is different than profile sync and hence unrelated here. scenario 2 is already included in the above troubleshooting steps

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Larry: Could you please clarify what you refer to by "Account value"? Did you mean "DomainUserID" (UserName property in Profile Property which is mapped to sAMAccountName)

  • Anonymous
    September 14, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 01, 2010
    cool blog..very helpfull

  • Anonymous
    November 02, 2010
    THANKS! this resolved the issue for us. Nice to see a start-to-finish documentation of a known issue for once.

  • Anonymous
    November 09, 2010
    Thanks a lot ! Profiel Sync Issue is resolved

  • Anonymous
    November 09, 2010
    Thanks a lot ! Profiel Sync Issue is resolved

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011
    Excellent blog Nishant.  Thanks a lot :).

  • Anonymous
    April 20, 2011
    I have issues in User Profile in MOSS 2007, Background: User Profile Import Schedule was not running as per configured Schedules (this still exists). I manually ran the Incremental crawl which pulled the users from different ADs. Profile Synchronization, Quick Profile Synchronization  Jobs are running successfully. Problem: Imported User profile details (changes) are not getting published to the web applications. I am able to see the changes in SSP database in “UserProfileValue“ table. On the other hand when I removed the user from site and added him back the changes are reflected in the web application. Any help would highly appreciated. Please reply for any clarifications. Thanks in advance.

  • Anonymous
    September 23, 2011
    This is incredible.. Thanks a ton !!! Keep posting such blogs..

  • Anonymous
    September 26, 2011
    Nishant, this is great! However, could you please let me know the query that you published before to find the names of the databases that has the Moving Status set as True?

  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2012
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2012
    Does inactive user profiles cause any problem in server? How do I remove inactive user profiles?

  • Anonymous
    August 06, 2012
    Hi Nishant , In my case replicable properties itself is not coming in user info list ...Any idea???

  • Anonymous
    November 08, 2012
    Hi Nishant, how can we display the "job title" column from user profile in the user information list .

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2013
    Thank you ... U r rock

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2013
    The events no longer are occurring. It appears that stsadm -o sync -ignoreisactive 1 did the trick of resolving that issue. The one issue we have remaining is that one setting in the user information table is not being updated when a user's information change. The rest of the fields - name, department, etc. change.   However the Account value does not change if the user's account changes. The property for that field does not have the Replicated checkbox set. a) would that result in that field not being updated when the information changes in AD and is imported into SharePoint? b) if that is the case, how did the data get into the user information table to begin with? c) is there any reason that one should not replicate a field for which the user does not have permissions to edit?

  • Anonymous
    July 09, 2013
    Hi Nishant How about user who isn't added to site? example: i create new user in AD, set Department value to Dept1, after run sync job (see Department value in SSP is Dept1), donot add user to site, using people picker to search him and Department value in people picker is blank Tks in advance & sorry for my english Chinh

  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2014
    Hi Nishant,
    I have enabled profile picture upload at mysites for users in Sharepoint 2007. We have Outlook 2010 and want to synchronise the Mysite profile pictures to be sync'd with AD. So that the same picture user has uploaded at his mysite should get updated in for his AD profile. how can this be accomplished in Sharepoint 2007? Please suggest.

  • Anonymous
    March 11, 2014
    This may seem like a silly question, but what would be considered a lot of profiles? I have 350k profiles that I import and as this is my first (and only) SharePoint instance, I don't have any other reference points. help would be appreciated.

  • Anonymous
    July 21, 2014
    Hi Nishant,

    Thanks for a very informative post. Although after trying out the suggestions in your post, I'm still not able to see the name changes to appear after the user profile sync in MOSS 2007.

    Situation is, a person;s last name has been updated, John Smith >> John Norton, where the account name in AD is still the same i.e. domainJohnS. The timer jobs for profile sync and quick profile sync are running fine everyday as scheduled. But on MOSS 2007 Farm, the old last name is still displayed against the same user account, and this is the same across different site collections.

    Things checked and verified so far:

    - Content DBs are online
    - Content DBs are NOT read only
    - Site Collections - no locks
    - Profile Import services are running fine (both, full and incremental)
    - cache.ini is being updated so not stale on the server
    - user profile info is up to date in SSP after the sync
    - Is_Active is set to True for the account domainJohnS
    - account explicitly added to one of the SP groups (without removing user from the site collection, as don't want to do that)
    - stsadm -o deleteolddatabases carried out and then the timer jobs ran after that

    after tring all of the above, the user's name in MOSS 2007 sites is still appearing as SMITH JOHN instead of the latest one which should be NORTON JOHN.

    Are you able to suggest anything in this case by any chance please? Should be a regular issue on the FARM or should the profile sync work normally and the changes synced through all OK on a normal basis ?

    Look forward to your reply.



  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2014
    Thanks Nishant,

    went through the KB article too, and tried the remaining options of , resetting the moving state for the ones required and also reset the webapp exclusion for the relevant ones. But once agin, to no avail.

    the issue is still the same, user's display name not updating automatically after the import full/incremental. SSP shows the up to date profile but on SharePoint site collections, it's not updating.

    don;t think you will have any more suggestions by any chance?



  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2014
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 07, 2014
    Hey Nishant,

    Thanks for all the replies and the original post :)

    Further to my latest findings, I am back on one of the FARMS exploring this same very issue. I have come across the SiteSynch table in SQL for this farm where there are 5 entries with MOVING attribute set to 1.

    I am not trying to run the command preparetomove -undo , to be able to set these entries to 0 for MOVING attrib and get them syncing again.

    The command for -undo operation runs successfully but doesn't seem to be doing nothing and the resulted rows in SiteSynch table with MOVING=1 stay the same number really.

    Wonder if you're able to shed some light on this by any chance please?

    PS - next to MOVING attrib, the next column MOVINGDELETED is also set to 1 for all these rows.

    Look forward to your reply.

    Many Thanks


  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2014
    Hi Nishant,

    Just another update to this; The Content DB IDs found with in SiteSynch table with MOVING attrib set to 1, are actually not matching to the Content DB IDs which are not syncing. That obviously suggesting that the Site Collections or the Content DBs in question are having some different issue. The IDs for these are not appearing in the SiteSynch table at all, whether with MOVING set to 0 or 1.

    Wonder if someone has encountered this before? and can direct me in the right direction by any chance please?


  • Anonymous
    November 13, 2014
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 15, 2014
    some further update as to the progress I have made on the issue.

    I ran the following command with replacing the -oldcontentdb guid in every run, and evetually all the entries in the sitesynch table with MOVING attribute set to 1 dilsappeared. still not sure how.

    stsadm -o preparetomove -contentdb sqlserverDBInstance:WSS_ContentDB_ABC -oldcontentdb

    so, roughly 40 entries with moving=1 disappeared from the sitesynch table after above command was ran for the same number of times.

    things looking good may be, but may be not!

    the site collections / contentdbs in question are still not syncing. When ran all the sync commands and jobs again with -ignoreisactive set to 1, the new entries appear in the sitesynch table with latest lastsynch status and date/time for the same site collections which were working fine earlier, so nothing still for a lot of contentdbs and the problem still remains :-//

    any ideas? especially now there is nothing in the table with moving=1 ?


  • Anonymous
    January 05, 2015
    I have my AD on another server in same network. I am able to see my ad users in User Profiles list. But not able to see then in User Information list.
    Even I am not able to login via that users.

    Please guide me what should I do to login via that users.

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2015
    Hi Everyone.

    i ma having one issue with user profile is that user is getting old user's (who is no longer available in company) information when he signs in a form(Infowise form).
    we have on going issue also in server that the SYNC between SSP and Sharepoint site is not working.

    is there any way to resolve this issue.

    the problem is that the old user was having the same user name as the new user.

  • Anonymous
    March 13, 2015
    I found one more solution:
    When you have more then 1 SharedService proider, for example
    SharedServices1 and SharedServices2
    Do check if your webapp is connected to the SharedServices on which you import the UserProfiles.