
Wellington Windows Infrastructure User Group – Windows Server 2012

The next meeting is being held on Wednesday July 4 at 5PM

Location is the Microsoft Wellington office, Level 12, 157 Lambton Quay, Midland Park, Wellington

Please RVSP so we know how much beer and pizza we need

Please RVSP at https://www.mscommunities.co.nz/Events/Wellington-Windows-Infrastructure-User-Group---Win.aspx


We will have 2 different presentations on this evening event, see you there!

Infrastructure Services The Easy Way with Windows Server 2012 (Daniel Bowbyes, Infrastructure Architect)

This session will cover the major changes Microsoft has made to server manager and introduce you to the new Minimal server interface. It will also look at how easy DHCP failover is to implement in windows 2012 and the brand new IP Address Management (IPAM) feature.


Windows Server 2012 Active Directory - what’s in it for me? (Tony Murray, MVP Directory Services)

In this session Tony explores the changes to AD in Microsoft’s new server offering and comments on how the new features can help you and the organisations you work with.