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First, thanks to everyone for the support and excitement. I promise there is a lot more on the way. With that being said, I did want to acknowledge two things that you may have read about:

1. Groove becomes SharePoint Workspace. This is true. Please read the Groove SharePoint Workspace team blog here for the scoop.


2. OneNote and SharePoint Workspace going into the ProPlus SKU. Also true. This matters more for our VL customers but we want to make this public today. Read this and our other OneNote blog for more information on the changes.


For those that may not be familiar with OneNote or haven’t used it as much at this point, head over to www.iheartonenote.com to see what real people are doing with it today. This site is run by real OneNote users but has some incredible content.


Thanks again,




For those that haven’t heard, the official twitter tag is office2010movie. Also, there's backlog of comments to look through after the traffic today but we will try and answer them all tonight or tomorrow morning.