
Faceted Search 2.0 for SharePoint/Search Server

Leonid Lyublinski released his second major version of Faceted Search today, this is a great tool that can instantly improve your SharePoint Server/Search Server user experience!

It provide the following benefits:

Grouping search results by facet

Displaying a total number of hits per facet value

Refining search results by facet value

Update of the facet menu based on refined search criteria

Displaying of the search criteria in a Bread Crumbs

Ability to exclude the chosen facet from the search criteria

Flexibility of the Faceted search configuration and its consistency with MOSS administration

and in version 2, he enhanced:

Multi- thread processing. 1st thread runs for up to 500 facets synchronously, while the 2nd thread is running asynchronously against up to ~30,000 facets

Client side refresh (not AJAX based) that updates only Facets web part w/o page refresh

Web part connection to pass Facet Settings to the Bread Crumbs

Extended facet schema now supports:

  • Facet icons. Default icon per Facet name complimented by an icon per Facet value
  • Friendly names for facet values
  • Built-in wild-card match, e.g. FileExtension=”ASPX?ID%” will match all “ASPX?ID=” records (useful for exclusions)
  • Exclusions. Allow exclude facet when values match pattern
  • Improved search syntax, added supports for sentences and quoted phrases

I would suggest that everyone who use SharePoint and Search Server to install this open source and free tools, it's really great.


Live demo(lower right corner)

