
SharePoint 2010 Developer Content Published

Wow, we disclosed all the new features of SharePoint 2010 yesterday at the SharePoint Conference. I spent my day rehearsing my demos, then sitting in the front row of the keynote, then giving my talk, then standing at the SharePoint booth in the exhibit hall, then at a function for SharePoint MVPs. I didn’t go running in the morning like Steve Ballmer did.

Microsoft is making a significant investment for Developers in SharePoint 2010 and you will see it’s much more a focus than before. Here are some of the places you can read about developer information for SharePoint 2010.

Overview of SharePoint 2010 for Developers presented by me.

The SharePoint 2010 Developer Evaluation Guide and six walkthroughs.

A complete online eLearning Course for SharePoint Developer including Videos, Hands on Labs and Code Samples. Note: Since SharePoint 2010 is not yet available, you cannot do the hands on labs yet.

A whitepaper by David Chappell describing the SharePoint 2010 Developer Platform.

A giant wall poster you can print showing the breadth of the SharePoint 2010 Developer Platform.

A learning plan for Developers and IT Professionals on SharePoint 2010.

The MSDN SDK online for SharePoint 2010.

Some brief overview videos from Microsoft Learning on SharePoint 2010.

MSDN Discussion Forum for SharePoint 2010.

An article on upgrading code from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010.

Details of how to install SharePoint 2010 for developers on Windows 7:

The Public Beta of SharePoint 2010 will be available in November 2009.