
PnP JSCore 3.0.2 (sp-pnp-js@3.0.2)

This month’s release of sp-pnp-js, 3.0.2, brings some great new functionality as well as fixes for reported issues. Give it a try and as always let us know if you see any issues. Be sure to check out the developer guide and happy coding!

New Maintainer!

I am very happy to announce that Andrew Koltyakov will have a larger role in helping to maintain the library moving forward. He has been active helping folks with issues and on gitter - as well as submitting PRs and fixing bugs. Very much appreciated all his help and initiative in getting involved, especially while I was one leave. He will be assisting with merging PRs in addition to helping folks out. Congratulations to Andrew on the great work!

New Features

  • Support for SharePoint ALM apis [PR] [Docs]
  • Add support to delete multiple attachments [PR] [Docs]
  • Add support for GetStorageEntity endpoint [PR]
  • Adds capability of getting external lists items by "getItemByStringId" [PR]
  • Add support for SiteUserInfoList endpoint [PR]

Fixes & Updates

  • Fixed an issue with getAs and caching not rehydrating objects from cache [PR] [Issue]
  • Cleaned up utilities class to use shared clone method [PR]
  • Updates to Authors file

What is the JS Core Component?

The Patterns and Practices JavaScript Core Library was created to help developers by simplifying common operations within SharePoint and the SharePoint Framework. Currently it contains a fluent API for working with the full SharePoint REST API as well as utility and helper functions. This takes the guess work out of creating REST requests, letting developers focus on the what and less on the how.

“Sharing is Caring”