
About the changes in PerformancePoint

If you haven't heard, Microsoft has made changes to the PerformancePoint product alignment. Basically this means PPS no longer exists as a separate product - the dashboard and analytic (M/A) components are being folded into MOSS, while Planning is being "end of life"d. Effective (almost) immediately, if you own rights to PerformancePoint, you now get rights to MOSS Enterprise (InfoPath web forms, Excel Services); if you own rights to SharePoint Enterprise, you now get rights to PerformancePoint.

 Really, this is just a good thing for everyone, since MOSS, Excel Services, and PPS were always really siblings under the covers - there are a lot of synergies that you can now leverage very nicely.

In addition, InfoPath web forms provide a great way of ad-hoc data entry for a BI solution (there's always at least *one* chunk of data that's the result of someone typing values into Enterprise Manager...)

"But Philo, you just wrote a book on PerformancePoint!" Yes, and since it also covers SQL Server as a BI platform, and MOSS, and Excel Services, it's still a *great* book for Microsoft BI: Pro PerformancePoint Server 2007. (Amazon.com)