
ADMirror PowerShell Module

Following on from my post about Test Lab Hydration, I've just released a Dump AD Groups script and a Mirror AD Groups script.

Dump Groups

Mirror Groups


And there's more...


ADMirror Module

I've also added the various dump / mirror scripts I've written to a PowerShell module, as functions, found on the TechNet Script Repository...

PowerShell ADMirror


You can also find the ADMirror module published to the PowerShell Gallery...


Save-Module -Name ADMirror -Path <path>


Install-Module -Name ADMirror


Fight the (f)Lab

Here's how to use the module...

In the source domain:

  1. Dump OUs
  2. Dump Users
  3. Dump Groups
  4. Dump GPOs


In the target, test domain:

  1. Mirror OUs
  2. Mirror Users
  3. Mirror Groups
  4. Mirror GPOs


Have fun!

If there's something else in AD you want mirrored then please let me know...