
Configure an Azure Automation Account - An Addendum

Recently, I wrote a series of articles on getting started with Azure Automation.

Configure an Azure Automation Account – Part 1 – Start Me Up

Configure an Azure Automation Account – Part 2 – Credentials and Variables

Configure an Azure Automation Account – Part 3 – Validation Run Book


The Azure Active Directory account from Part 1 is created with a complex password which is configured to not expire.

New-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName AnneDroid@ninja-injury.com -DisplayName "Anne Droid" -FirstName Anne -LastName Droid -PasswordNeverExpires:$true -StrongPasswordRequired:$true -Password rd1gq!9518MYte£t7SfaGd7y0ycHYT


However, with one of my existing Azure Automation Accounts, I'd failed to set the password to not expire. Consequently, a number of my jobs failed and actually cost me money! Real money.

I won't make that mistake again and here's how I remedied it with the Azure Active Directory cmdlets:

Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName skynet@ninja-injury.com -PasswordNeverExpires $true


To err is human, to dream of electric sheep is android.
