
Sandcastle June Refresh with "renamed" documentation design and model

We released June CTP version of Sandcastle earlier this week and got some great feedback (and bugs) from forums, blogs and via email about this relase. The sandcastle blog (https://blogs.msdn.com/sandcastle/archive/2007/06/19/announcing-june-2007-sandcastle-ctp.aspx) provides details on this release.

In addition we rolled out the “VS Orcas” design to customers with this release. This "VSORCAS" presentation layer released as a part of Sandcastle will not be used for the Orcas Beta 2 or RTM documentation shipping in MSDN anytime soon as we have to make changes to the online infrastructure. We will continue to use VS 2005 presentation for our Orcas release with additional design improvements. However Richard in his blog mentioned that this new design name could cause some confusion for a customers. I see his point and would like to rename "VSORCAS".

I plan to release a refresh of Sandcastle later this week with a new name for VSORCAS and will provide an update here.
