
Smart Client: Whats new in Orcas?

Am presenting the following talk at DevConnections today -

VMS311: Smart Clients: What's New in Visual Studio "Orcas"?
Saurabh Pant
Visual Studio "Orcas" is about making the rapid application development experience even easier. In this overview we will introduce new features that allow Smart Clients to go where they never have before: including Occasionally Connected Systems, SQL Server Compact Edition, Client App Services, N-Tier Data, ClickOnce Deployment enhancements, as well as out-of-the-box ways to future proof your existing applications: including Windows Forms / WPF Integration, and Vista enhancements. Add to that the designer productivity enhancements and see an exciting new wave of smart client development.  

If you were at the session the side deck is attached to this post as promised.

As always feedback/thoughts are welcome. Feel free to contact me through this blog is you would like additional information on any of the technologies discussed. 
