
VS Live 2008 Orlando - Silverlight 2 Talk

Later today, I present @ VS Live the following talk ...

Building Rich Internet Application using Microsoft Silverlight 2.0
In this session, we will build a Video Search Web Site using Silverlight 2.0. The session will demo – how to use Visual Studio to create a Sliverlight applications, how to create UI using XAML markup and code, how to retrieve data from a web service, how to manipulate  data with XML and LINQ, how to persist user settings using local storage, how to interact with browser using HTML DOM, how to use the SL OpenFile dialog etc …

Attached are the Source code/Presentaion/DemoScript for the talk .

Guthrie’s Silverlight Tips, Tricks, Tutorials and Links Page are available here

The MIX sessions I referred to are available online here.  

In particular, the talk above was modeled after Joe Stegman and Mike Harsh's MIX 08 session of the same name, the code for which is availabe here.

The UX Skin that I demoed was created by Corrina and she has bloged about it here.

The page demoing the Silverlight 2 Beta 1 controls is available here

Enjoy !!!

VS Live - Upload.zip