
Windows Store App logo Maker


Make Logo (Icon) for Windows Store Application and Windows Phone 8 Application.

Support Language : Japanese, English, Spanish, French, German, Traditional Chinese

Now I made UWP logo maker for Windows 10 UWP ! new

Download :  UWP Logo Maker


Import Image

  • Image File Open
  • Paste via Clipboard
  • Drop Image File


How to use Image

  1. You can use 3 images
  2. You can add text.
  3. You can move image by image dragging with mouse. 
  4. You can change image and text size with mouse wheel.
  5. You can remove image with mouse right button down.

How to cut Image

  1. Select Wide or Square Thumbnail.
  2. Select pickup area with draggin area on image.
  3. You can move selected area
  4. You can set background color for image have transparent part.



Export Icon and Logo

  • Same folder of original file
  • Make folder on desktop for Clipboard Image



In Windows Store App Mode (Windows 8.1)

  • logo  ( 80%, 100%, 140%, 180% )
  • Small Logo  (  80%, 100%, 140%, 180% )
  • Splash Screen   ( 100%, 140%, 180% )
  • Srore Logo  ( 100%, 140%, 180% )
  • Wide310x150 Logo  ( 80%, 100%, 140%, 180% )
  • Square310x310 Logo  ( 80%, 100%, 140%, 180% )
  • Square70x70 Logo  ( 80%, 100%, 140%, 180% )

In Windows Phone 8 Icon Mode

  • FlipCycleTile Wide Icon
  • FlipCycleTile Midium Icon
  • FlipCycleTile Small Icon
  • Application Icon


Automatically decrease colors if icon size was larger than 200kb.


Release Note

  • UWP Logo 8/22/2015 Maker version 1.0 Logo maker for Windows 10 UWP.
  • Version 1.8.2    9/17/2014 Windows Phone SplashScreen Image base was changed from wide tile image to square tile image.
  • Version 1.8.1    9/17/2014 Support Windows Phone 8.1 140% Icons and Win8 LargeIcon select option.
  • Version 1.8    9/16/2014 Support Universal Windows Application and Windows Phone 8.1.
  • Version 1.7    7/13/2014 Support Windows 8.1 images. Auto file size check. 
  • Version 1.6.1    2/26/2014 Image size change. Enable to use 3 images and text. 
  • Version 1.5.2    5/29/2013 Support German, Traditional Chinese 
  • Version 1.5.1    5/28/2013 Support French 
  • Version 1.5    5/20/2013  Support Spanish
  • Version 1.4    5/6/2013   support Windwos Phone 8
  • Version 1.3    5/8/2013   change UI and application name
  • Version 1.2    5/3/2013   move selected area, background color
  • Version 1.1    3/29/2013  Wide and square area select differently
  • Version 1.0    3/29/2013  first release


Shinobu Takahashi

Evangelist  Microsoft Japan
