
History of SNA Server and HIS Versions

Host Integration Server is definitely a small volume server based application when compared to large volume products like Exchange Server and SQL Server, but it does provide mission critical functionality to customers around the world. However, it has had a long lifecycle. A number of customers that use HIS may not realize how long the product has been available especially since the product name was changed with the release of HIS 2000 in August 2000.

In fact, I worked with some customers long ago where SNA Server was the first Windows Server-based application used in their production environments.

In order to highlight the longevity of the HIS product line, I thought the following history of releases would be interesting to some of you.

Note: The following only covers the Windows-based versions that we have released. There are a few OS/2 based versions that were available prior to this.

  • SNA Server 2.0
    • RTM: 10/24/93
  • SNA Server 2.1
    • RTM: 9/3/94
  • SNA Server 2.11
    • RTM: 6/95
  • SNA Server 2.11 SP1
    • RTM: 1/5/96
  • SNA Server 2.11 SP2
    • RTM: 2/21/97
  • SNA Server 3.0
    • RTM: 11/17/96
  • SNA Server 3.0 SP1
    • RTM: 4/9/97
  • SNA Server 3.0 SP2
    • RTM: 9/30/97
  • SNA Server 3.0 SP3
    • RTM: 4/8/98
  • SNA Server 3.0 SP4
    • RTM: 5/24/99
  • SNA Server 4.0
    • RTM: 11/20/97
  • SNA Server 4.0 SP1
    • RTM: 6/25/98
  • SNA Server 4.0 SP2
    • RTM: 2/15/99
  • SNA Server 4.0 SP3
    • RTM: 9/24/99
  • SNA Server 4.0 SP4
    • RTM: 11/22/2000
  • Host Integration Server 2000
    • RTM: 8/10/2000
    • Version:
  • Host Integration Server 2000 SP1
    • RTM: 9/9/2002
    • Version:
  • Host Integration Server 2000 SP2
    • RTM: 3/31/2005
    • Version:
  • Host Integration Server 2004
    • RTM: 7/30/2004
    • Version: 6.0.1701.0
  • Host Integration Server 2006
    • RTM: 10/23/2006
    • Version: 7.0.2758.0
  • Host Integration Server 2006 SP1
    • RTM: 2/3/2010
    • Version: 7.0.4115.0
  • Host Integration Server 2009
    • RTM: 3/23/2009
    • Version: 8.0.3608.0
  • Host Integration Server 2010
    • RTM: 8/16/2010
    • Version 8.5.4224.0


Some customers thought that HIS 2000 was a V1 release, when it fact it was version 5 of the SNA Server product with a new name.

Just to date myself a bit, SNA Server 2.1 was the current release when I started supporting the product. 

As you can see there is a long history of Microsoft providing IBM mainframe and iSeries (AS/400) integration.