
Programming with latest MS TTS engines

We released 12 TTS voices in 12 languages with UCMA SDK (also called as Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 SDK) .  The Microsoft speech engines bundled with the API support twelve different languages, including English (North America, United Kingdom), French (France, Canada), German, American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Korean and Chinese (Simplified and Traditional).  These TTS voices are server version. By saying "server", it means these voice has been optimized to be used in server telephony scenerios with good performance.

This post will describe how to program with the TTS engines inside the SDK.

1. Download the the SDK and language pack



 2. Read MSDN documentation about the Microsoft.Speech namespace


 3. Use C# to program a basic TTS application with these 12 TTS voices.

Add referrence to Microsoft.Speech, then you can program TTS just like I introduced in previous post.