
Use TTS functionality in Microsoft Speech Platform

In previous post, I introduced the microsoft speech platform is available to download. Here is a short introduction on how to use the TTS functionality provided by the platform.  The steps are:

1. Download and install the speech platform runtime and one language pack like en-US as you wish

2. Download the Software Development Kit and install it.  the SDK is installed into somewhere like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Speech Platform SDK

3. Launch Visual Studio, go to “Tools” ->  “options” -> “Project and Solutions” -> “VC++ Directories” (Here I use VS2008)
    Add the path like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Speech Platform SDK\include into the “include files” directories (as top one)
    Add the path like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Speech Platform SDK\Lib into the “library files” directories (as top one)

4. Unzip the attached sample and build,  you should be able to compile it and run. You can hear the voice is speaking to you. This is actually a simple "hello world" example using the native API (SAPI) to call TTS.

Let me know if this works for you or not. Have fun with TTS!

