
Hail .NET 3.0!

WinFx has been renamed to .NET 3.0. I think this is one of the smartest moves from the branding team in a long time. There was just too much confusion even within Developer Division. I’ve heard questions like do I have to install two separate frameworks? Why this new thing? Although I like the name WinFx better than .NET (If we had a time machine we could go back and rebrand .NET as WinFx 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0), I think it had to go.  

But I think they should have called this .NET 2.5. When LINQ, C# 3.0, the next VB (VB 9?) and CLR 3.0 come out, then it would truly be .NET 3.0.  Or rename it as C# 4.0 and call it .NET 4.0 when it releases.  But in all I’m happy that I don’t have to explain what WinFx is to my friends and can just point them to a redist and say install that and have ‘em all.