
Awareness: Password Expiry issue for sub-set of MSDN Subscriptions Customers

Notice Date 5/4/2015 16:00 UTC

A sub-set of MSDN Subscribers are being forced to update their login passwords by the LiveID system.  This is occurring due to a window of miss-configuration on the MSDN system 72 days ago that incorrectly classified the MSDN Subscribers site into a category where users with passwords older than 72 days were required to reset them.  Unfortunately - the setting also forced users to select "Force Expiry in 72-days" when making the update last time.  This means that any subscribers who were forced to update their passwords 72 days ago, will have to update their password one more time.

We regret the inconvenience this is causing our customers.  After this update you should not have to update your password again (unless you have intentionally set the flag to "force expiry")

- MSDN Subscriptions Service Delivery Team