
February 2014 Release of MFCMAPI and MrMAPI

The February 2014 Release (build is live: https://mfcmapi.codeplex.com.

The past month’s experiment of checking in as I go seemed to work well. Since the checkins are now self annotated I’ve decided to stop post creating items in the issue tracker for work I’ve already done. Do please continue to file items for work I need to do.

This month we get the ability to export profile information using MrMAPI. The folks working on our diagnostics tools are salivating over that. :)

Here's a change list - see the Issue Tracker and ChangeSets on Codeplex for more details:

  • CopyTo operations give you the opportunity to fine tune the excluded prop set
  • Named prop details in notification logging
  • IExchangeManagedStoreEx support
  • A couple crashes have been squished
  • MrMAPI: profile export
  • Quickstart: New way to look up a user as well as their thumbnail
