
Time's running out to download Windows 7 Beta1 for free

If you're either a TechNet or MSDN subscriber then there's no need to rush though the sooner you start evaluating Windows 7 the sooner you can realise the benefits in your business. The public download of Windows 7 Beta 1 finishes on 10th February so if you want to try it then you'd better get your skates on.

I've installed Windows 7 Beta 1 on a wide range of machines including my 6 year old Compaq Evo, a Samsung Q1 Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC), a Mac Air running Win7 natively using bootcamp as a boot manager and a wide range of Lenovo and ASUS EEE PCs - it's benefits are more apparent on both the low powered machines (as it's really fast) and those with decent graphics due to the wonderful live preview of running applications.

The download is 2.8Gb so it's not trivial but it's worth it.