
The MUD is 30 Years Old

Back before World of Warcraft or even Everquest there existed an entity called a MUD or Multi-User Dungeon.  These were a lot like today's MMOs except that they were text-only interfaces.  Most of the concepts were the same.  Build a character, kill lots of bunnies/elves/etc. to grind out levels, get cool gear, group with your friends.  They were just as addicting as modern MMORPGs.  I recall playing something like 24 hours of game in a 2-day period during finals week.  That's when I decided I should quit.  It was my grades or the MUD and the grades won.  That's probably why I'm writing this blog today instead of asking, "Would you like fry's with that?"  The first MUD I ever played seriously was called Crystal Shard.  As most MUDs, it shared a common code base with others but was heavily customized. 

Anyway, the MUD turned 30 this week.  It was October 20, 1978 that the first MUD came into existence.  It took a while for them to make it to the mainstream...