
Empirical assessment of the efficacy of MDE: Can you help?

I’m lending my support to a research project which is trying to assess the effectiveness of MDE. The project is being led by Jon Whittle, who’s now a professor at the University of Lancaster in the UK. Details of the project can be found at https://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/~eamde. Personally, I’m hoping this project will not only shed some light on whether or not MDE is effective (I’ve heard enough hearsay evidence to suggest that it is in some situations), but more importantly what are the factors that contribute to it’s effectiveness, and are these factors unique to MDE or do they come into play whatever software development methodology you use.

The project is just starting up and Jon and his team would now like to interview people with experience of applying MDE (Model Driven Engineering) techniques in practice. The interviews will take no more than 30 minutes and be conducted by phone. If you are interested, please could you contact Jon, or his associate John Hutchinson, giving some indication of your affiliation and experience in applying MDE techniques. Contact details can be found at the above link.

There’s also an online survey which you can fill out: https://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/~eamde/site/content_survey.php.

Thanks in advance for helping.