
Support Tip: High CPU utilization on Domain Controllers due to WSUS App Pool issue

~ Dennis Donahoe | Senior Support Escalation Engineer

FIXLast week we mentioned an issue we’ve seen here in product support where System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (ConfigMgr 2007) or System Center 2012 Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr 2012 or ConfigMgr 2012 R2) is unable to synchronize the Software Update Point with the WSUS server. The details of that issue can be found here but I wanted to also mention another symptom you may see that is caused by the same problem.

If you’re experiencing the problem mentioned in our last post, you may find that the LSASS.exe process is taking up a lot of CPU cycles on the Domain Controller. You may also notice that users are experiencing a logon delay of up to 10 minutes.

If you see these symptoms, check and see if you’re also experiencing the symptoms described in the following post:

ConfigMgr 2012 Support Tip: WSUS sync fails with HTTP 503 errors

If so, the resolution for all of these symptoms is the same: Increase the Private Memory Limit of the WsusPool Application Pool in IIS and then restart the Application Pool. After the Application Pool has been restarted, monitor the SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER component status, wcm.log and wsyncmgr.log for failures. Note that it may be necessary to increase the Private Memory Limit to 8GB (8000000 KB) or higher depending on the environment.

Dennis Donahoe | Senior Support Escalation Engineer | Microsoft GBS Management and Security Division

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