
Mindjet MindManager and Silverlight

It seems that Microsoft's Sliverlight (formerly WPF/e) is the topic of the day.  Since I first learned about WPF/e last year, I started thinking of ways in which Mindjet MindManager could work with it.  I started playing around with it and the most exciting feature of it was that it was all based in XML.  That means that I could use my existing software tools like Visual Studio and my favorite languages, XSLT and C#, to transform MindManager's XML to Silverlight's XAML.  To get my mind around the feature set of Silverlight, I built a simple website (it isn't live yet) that lets you upload and view Mindjet MindManager maps on Internet Explorer, FireFox and Mac Safari.  Watch the video that I produced in TechSmith's Camtasia Studio.

It's just rough so far with simple expanding and collapsing of topics, but as time permits, I will work on developing its feature set.

MindManager to Silverlight.wmv