
C++/CLI and Compact Framework?

Reader Bal asks:

I am very surprised that the Compact Framework does not support CLI/C++. We use it heavily for a number of reasons and not having it for devices seems a serious limitation.

Is there any plan to add this immensely useful feature to VS05/Compact Framework?

I get this question on my blog a lot.  First, the direct answer: no, we don't have any immediate plans to support C++/CLI on the .NET Compact Framework.

However, if you think it's important for us to support C++/CLI on .NET CF, I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.  Is it a language preference thing? Are you expecting to be able to use IJW interop on .NET CF? Are there problems you don't feel you can adequately solve with C#? I'd really like to better understand why this scenario is important to some folks.