
Download your Hotfixes!

Up to this point Microsoft has always required customers to make a phone call into Microsoft Product Support to receive a hotfix. Today we have made available a web application that allows customers to fill out a simple web form and receive the hotfix by email.

Here is how it works: The form on the site has field entries for the following information:

Country/Region (Pulldown menu)

KB article number (Text entry)

Platform (Pulldown menu)

Product Language (Pulldown menu)

E-mail address (Text entry)

You enter the data listed above and select the "Submit" button . You are then taken to a submission confirmation webpage. This webpage lets you know that you should receive a response from a Microsoft Professional within 8 business hours. The e-mail response that you receive looks like the automated hotfix e-mail that you may have seen should you have ever used the previous call in method.

Happy Hotfixin'.
