
multi-select drill-through reports...

Today I'm trying to work on improving my Sql 2005 Reporting Services report based on all the feedback I've been getting.

Basically this report currently provides a way to drill-through to get more detailed information, if someone clicks on an ID number for any of the given rows returned from the database.

One of the pieces of feedback was it would be nice to be able to flag all the rows a person wants more details on and to be able to click a button to retrieve those details on all the flagged rows.

So far I haven't had any luck in figuring out a way to do this.  I've been looking all through Books Online and all over the internet, looking for "multi-select drill-through" but so far I haven't come up with anything.

If I figure it out I'll post the answer, but if anyone has any suggestion on how to do something like this (or an example of some sort) please speak up and share the knowledge.  :)