
net use failing in RunOnce section of registry

Ugh...horribly frusterating problem today.

I have a WinXP machine that's been sysprep'd.  I'm trying to finish the sysprep with a sysprep.inf file on the a:\  That, for the most part is working fine.

It's when the OS get's the commands I have listed under the GuiRunOnce section of the sysprep.inf file where I'm having trouble.

The command that's in there is as follows..

cmd /c net use z: \\<server>\<share> /u:<server>\administrator <adminpassword>

please take it for granted that the <> have actual good values in it.

When the above command is executed I get "System error 67 has occurred."  Now my first thought is that the server I'm trying to connect to can't be reached for some reason...however, if I change the GuiRunOnce command to this...

cmd /c net use z: \\<server>\<share> /u:<server>\administrator <adminpassword> & pause & net use z: \\<server>\<share> /u:<server>\administrator <adminpassword>

The 2nd net use works perfectly.  If I try to net use manually after winlogon net use works perfectly.  I've been looking all over the net for a solution to this, but I'm not finding anything...I can't think I'm the only person in the world this is happening too...

Incendtally, the EXACT same command works in Win2k3 perfectly every time....this is only happening in WinXP.  Does anyone have any suggestions?