
Hyper-V @ Ignite

I am busily getting ready for my Hyper-V session at Ignite this year – and went to check for other sessions that I could be pointing people to.  Initial results where not hopeful:


Umm.  What?  Well – after a short discussion with the team running the Ignite website, it seems that the session search can’t handle dashes.  Guh. 


Much better (https://myignite.microsoft.com/sessions?q=Hyper#ignite-html-anchor to see the results for yourself).  And – of course do not forget all the great sessions that we have on Windows Containers (https://myignite.microsoft.com/sessions?q=Containers#ignite-html-anchor):


This year I only have one session - Discover what's new in Windows Server 2016 Virtualization - https://myignite.microsoft.com/sessions/2957.  My goal is to try and fly through all the great new functionality – and hopefully show off a couple of things that even our technical preview testers will have missed along the way.

I will also be spending plenty of time at the Hyper-V and Containers booths – so come on by and have a chat with us if you are there.
