
Upload your pictures to Flickr using Windows Live Photo Gallery

Windows Live Photo Gallery Beta

What a great day for photo enthusiasts :-) Michael Palermiti announced today on the Microsoft PhotoBlog that Windows Live Photo Gallery has received the stamp of approval from the super cool people at Flickr as a first-class application for uploading your photos to your Flickr account.

Read the full story on Do you use Flickr? Then check out Windows Live Photo Gallery (Beta)! or at our friends blog at flickr More Ways to Upload. If you want to read even further check out the following blogs:

That being said make sure you get the latest version of Windows Live Photo Gallery beta from https://get.live.com/!



P.S. You might have noticed that I started blogging in English. How do you feel about this? Does this makes you uncomfortable, do you like it or don't you probably mind? As always I am interested in your opinion! Thank you!
