
Windows Update error 80072f8f

Windows Update error 80072f8f


When running Windows Update, the error code 0x80072f8f was received.


Regarding the error code 80072f8f, it means “ERROR_INTERNET_DECODING_FAILED” which caused by the Internet Time could not be synchronized with global Update Server. The valid date and time are on the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate that the Windows Update website uses. In this scenario, the Windows Update scan operation is unable to scan the computer for updates successfully.


Please take the following steps to check the issue:

1. Click the “Start” button, type “Date and Time” in the Search bar, and then click “Date and Time” in the Programs list.

2. In the “Date and Time Settings” dialog box, please perform the following:

    1) Check the time and date on system:

        In the “Date and Time” dialog box, click “Change date and time”, configure the correct date and time and click OK.

    2) Ensure the Time zone setting is correct.

    3) Configure Internet Time Setting:

        a) Switch to the “Internet Time” tab and then click Change settings.
        b) Select the check box next to “Synchronize with an Internet time server”, select the time server “time.windows.com”, and then click "Update now".
        c) Then Click OK to apply the settings.

Please restart the computer and check the issue.