
Windows Hardware and Driver Developer Blog

Official blog covering various aspects of Windows Hardware and Driver Development

Introducing Driver Module Framework

The Microsoft Devices team announced the release of an open source framework for Windows driver...

Author: Shyamal Varma [MSFT] Date: 08/15/2018

Writing a WDF driver for your network adapter just got easier!

With the release of the Windows 10 Creators Update (1703), we are introducing a new WDF extension...

Author: Shyamal Varma [MSFT] Date: 06/23/2017

New support for source-level debugging of WDF code in Windows 10

Last March we published the WDF source code on GitHub for all to read, debug, and learn from. Today...

Author: amargarit@outlook.com Date: 06/18/2015

New Performance Tools for WDF Drivers in Windows 10

We are excited to announce the availability of an extension to the Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT)...

Author: Shyamal Varma [MSFT] Date: 05/01/2015

New version of Windows 10 Hardware Development Kits now available

In conjunction with the release of the latest version of Windows 10 developer tools preview at...

Author: Viraf Gandhi Date: 05/01/2015

Windows 10 kits available for download

Last week at our WinHEC conference, we introduced many of the great new features we’ve enabled...

Author: J M Rossy [MSFT] Date: 03/23/2015

Windows driver frameworks source on GitHub

Yesterday we were thrilled to announce at WinHEC that the source code for the Windows Driver...

Author: J M Rossy [MSFT] Date: 03/18/2015

Installing and Debugging Drivers with Sharks Cove Hardware development board

We asked our talented intern, Steven, to work on several hardware projects this summer and he agreed...

Author: Viraf Gandhi Date: 10/20/2014

You are invited!!

We are hosting a live online event on August 25th where we will show you the capabilities of the...

Author: Viraf Gandhi Date: 08/15/2014

The Sharks Cove is now available for Pre-order! [Updated]

Back in April at the //Build conference, our group sent a couple of guys down to San Francisco to...

Author: Michael Fourre (MSFT) Date: 07/26/2014


There exists an MSDN page titled “Support and community for hardware developers”, which...

Author: PeterWieland Date: 07/25/2014