
Invitation to Windows Installer Tools Vendors for a Live Meeting Event

We'd like to invite Windows Installer tools vendors to a Live Meeting event in the second half of May 2007.

At this event we'll discuss the next step for the Windows Installer so you can consider the fit to your plans.

If you are an interested Windows Installer tools vendor, please click the “Email” link (here) and let us know.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is a Windows Installer tools vendor?
A1: Our target tools vendor provides products based on the Windows Installer platform technology. Both ISVs and IT admins report they depend heavily on tools vendors. Windows Installer MVP Stefan Krueger maintains a representative list of our target tools vendors at https://www.installsite.org/pages/en/msi/authoring.htm.

Q2: Why talk to Windows Installer tools vendors early?
A2: ISVs and IT admins both report their first step after hearing news from us is to contact their tools vendor. We need a small amount of time to coordinate how ISVs and IT admins can realize benefits through their vendors.

Q3: Is a Non Disclosure Agreement required for a Windows Installer tools vendor to attend the event?
A3: There is an event disclosure agreement that says the tools vendor will not distribute the information from the event for a short length of time. 

[Author: Robert Flaming]

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