
Update to MSI 4.5 (KB958655)

Hello everyone,

We wanted to let you know that a non-security QFE was released recently for MSI 4.5 redistributable, available via Microsoft download center (Search for KB958655). The KB article contains information on the symptoms and cause of the issue. The intent of this post is to clarify some concerns/questions you may have that are necessarily not addressed via the KB article. Additionally, we will monitor this post, so feel free to post comments.

Also as noted in the KB article, you are most likely to be affected by this issue during installation of SQL Server 2008 or during upgrade from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008.

Some FAQs:


1. I already have MSI 4.5 on my machine. Do I need to install this update?

It’s optional. As mentioned above, this issue is hit only in rare cases, so it’s not absolutely critical for you to install this update.


2. Is this update applicable to all OSes and architecture types?

Yes, this update is applicable to all supported OSes and architecture types as the original MSI 4.5 redistributable. Vista RTM/SP1, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP SP2/SP3, and Windows Server 2003 SP1/SP2.


3. Is it true that on Vista & above platforms, I can install this update even if MSI 4.5 redist is NOT present on my machine?

Yes. The QFE packages for Vista & above platforms are just like a refresh to the original MSI 4.5 redist. It targets both MSI versions 4.0 and 4.5. If MSI version on the machine is 4.0, the QFE installs just like the original redist package, while if MSI version is already 4.5 then only the affected binaries are updated. So if you have not already installed 4.5, you can choose to do so by installing this QFE package directly.


4. I have removed the MSI 4.5 redistributable from my Vista machine, but why is the MSI version on my machine still 4.5?

If MSI 4.5 redist is uninstalled, the Windows Installer version on the machine will still remain 4.5 as long as this QFE is present. If MSI 4.5 redist is uninstalled followed by removal of the QFE, only then the Windows Installer version on your machine will go back to 4.0.


5. Are these changes (specifically #3 and #4 above) also applicable to Windows XP and Windows Server 2003?

No. For these Operating systems, the QFE package will only be applicable if you have already installed MSI 4.5 redist on your machine. Also if you later try to uninstall MSI 4.5, you will be warned about dependent QFEs still existing and be asked to remove these manually.


6. What is the expected version of Windows Installer after I install this QFE?

Target Operating System

Updated Windows Installer 4.5 version

Windows Vista RTM


Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2008


Windows XP SP2, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 SP1, Windows Server 2003 SP2


[Author: Zainab Hakim]
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