
Windows Installer 4.5 beta 2 - coming soon (and a chat too!)

Hello everyone! First off, I wanted to let you know that I have re-joined the Windows Installer (MSI) team as a Lead PM, so you all will be hearing a lot more from me in the future <grin>

I have a few exciting announcements to make today:

  1. I know you all have been wondering what has been up with Windows Installer 4.5, and I am pleased to announce that we plan to release Beta 2 within the next few weeks. If you would like to access the beta program, please read Robert's prior posting on this topic. There will be an announcement posted to the blog when the Beta 2 is available. Your feedback on beta 2 is welcomed and also critical in this stage of our release, as this is our last scheduled beta before we RTM.
  2. We have also scheduled an MSDN Technical Chat on Windows Installer 4.5 on April 3, 2008 at 10:00 AM (Pacific). If you have not participated in these chats before, they are a great forum for you to interact directly with members of the team! Click here to add the chat to your calendar so you don't miss it!

Please stay tuned to the blog for more exciting announcements coming soon ...

[Author: Tyler Robinson]
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