
Microsoft XML Team's WebLog

Out of the Angle Brackets

"Standardizing on XML" is far from useless!

The war of words over Massachusetts' proposal to standardize on the OASIS Open Document Format...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 09/10/2005

XML 2005 Conference - deadlines are fast approaching

Microsoft is helping to sponsor the XML 2005 Conference (November 14-18, Atlanta GA) and we...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 09/08/2005

UPA in plain English (by Priya Lakshminarayanan)

Unique Particle Attribution or UPA as it is known among schema savvy XML geeks, is one among many...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 08/09/2005

XmlSchema and XmlSchemaSet

Stan writes about Walking XmlSchema and XmlSchemaSet objects

Author: XmlTeam Date: 08/06/2005

XML Projects

Now that Whidbey is almost out the door, we've started planning our next release. A number of...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 07/27/2005


It's been quiet on this blog as we get closer to Whidbey RTM. Meanwhile, Erik Saltwell - the dev...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 07/20/2005

XML Editor and Code Snippets

Just wrote up an entry about using code snippets in the XML Editor Stan Kitsis

Author: XmlTeam Date: 07/09/2005

XmlReader and XmlWriter articles by Alex Homer

Alex Homer wrote a very good article (https://www.15seconds.com/issue/050601.htm) on using XmlReader...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 06/23/2005

XML and Draconian Error Handling

I can just hear sound of the long-time XML users' mice clicking to get this horrible topic off the...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 06/17/2005

Anders Hejlsberg interview on support for XML and SQL in C#

Anders Hejlsberg, the MS Distinguished Engineer who has pioneered several important programming...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 06/10/2005

A lot interest around XSLT!!!!

Thanks everyone for the great feedback. There are a lot of interesting comments. Once I read through...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 06/08/2005

XSLT planning

We are planning what features /improvements need to go in the next release for XSLT. We are making...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 06/07/2005

Introducing myself

Hello!! I am Nithya Sampathkumar. I recently joined the Program Management team(shifted from dev to...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 06/07/2005

Why was Dynamic HTML a bust and "AJAX" a hit?

One of the eternal mysteries of the software industry for me is how formerly ignored or scorned...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 06/03/2005

Documents, Schemas, Objects: An Eternal [Golden?] Braid

I'm taking a break from the Day Job task of summarizing WebData XML's experiences with XML Schema...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 05/24/2005

Coding 4 fun

A few people here at Microsoft created a website for those who write code for fun. Check it out, it...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 05/23/2005

XInclude and schema validation

A lot of people are excited about XInclude and want to start using it in their projects. However,...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 05/11/2005

Visual Studio 2005 XML tools - video demo

MSDN Channel 9 has an interview with Ken Levy showing off the new XML tools in Visual Studio...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 05/04/2005

Webcast Tomorrow: Shankar Pal on Optimizing and Troubleshooting XML Applications at the Server

Just a reminder of this upcoming webcast. From the description: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 introduces...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 04/27/2005

bulkload and XSD schema constructs

I have seen quite a few newsgroup posts about SQLXML Bulkload where the users think the schema and...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 04/13/2005

Hello from a new blogger - Chandra

Hi folks, I am Chandrasekaran Kalyanaraman (Chandra is how I am called in the team here.). I have...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 04/13/2005

Xml Dev Center Updates

We have a new article today from Oleg Tkachenko, one of our MVP's, about indexing XML for faster...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 04/01/2005

Sql Server Xml Web Cast

Michael Rys will be doing an MSDN Webcast on April 5th about Managing XML Data on the Database with...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 03/15/2005

It Ain't Easy to be Simple

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 03/08/2005

CTP? Yeah you know me!

I know I know, corney, but it just popped into my head. As I'm sure you've read elsewhere, the...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 03/04/2005

MS Ignoring developer demand for REST tools?

The long running PR battle is heating up again between those who advocate the implementation of...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 02/15/2005

Happy Birthday to XML

One of my fellow co-workers just informed me that today is the 7th birthday of XML. Sure enough, 7...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 02/10/2005

The Past and Future of XML

There is a very interesting interview with Tim Bray, one of the original editors of the XML...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 02/02/2005

Announcements and Explanations about XQuery in .NET 2.0

Soumitra Sengupta and Charlie Heinemann have published an announcement of about the Status of XQuery...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 01/28/2005

MVP.Xml Library 1.0 Released

Our MVP's rock. In addition to the work they do supporting and promoting our products, as well as...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 01/25/2005


Last Week Xml.com posted an article by HakonWium Lie and Michael Day called "Printing XML: Why CSS...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 01/24/2005

XML Attributes and XML Schema

Just wrote up an entry related to the issue that Daniel Cazzulino posted about issues between...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 01/21/2005

Srikanth ... Another Introduction

Following the trend, I would like to introduce myself. I joined Microsoft and the XML team recently...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 01/14/2005

Xml Team, Front and Center

As of this post, the XML Team Blog now takes over the blog on the front of the XML Developer Center...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 01/06/2005

Elements containing either text or other elements

OverviewA question pops up now and again in XML-related newsgroups about being able to define an...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 12/30/2004

Another XML Team introduction - Stan Kitsis

Hi everyone. I have recently joined the Microsoft XML team as a Program Manager focusing on XML...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 12/30/2004

Dave Remy, Introducing myself

Hi everyone, My name is Dave Remy (call me Rem or Remy), I am a new Program Manager for the...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 12/21/2004

XQuery support in SQL Server (soon) and .NET (maybe later)

This is Mike Champion at the controls of the XMLTeam Weblog this morning. I have introduced myself...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 12/17/2004

Welcome to the XML Team Blog!

Welcome folks, to the XML Team blog. This blog will be a place for various members of the XML team...

Author: XmlTeam Date: 12/15/2004
