
Whidbey has now left the building...

"May I have your attention please: Whidbey has now left the building."

That's right folks, after much ado, Whidbey (VS2005 + .Net Framework
2.0) has finally shipped. There's allot of great stuff in this release;
looking back at the Everett (v1.1) release, who would have that the
next version of our product would not only outperform Everett, but
would also blow the doors off our native stack as well! In addition,
Whidbey is our first release where we have put a large effort into
improving the Xml tools that ship in Visual Studio. You can see the
fruits of this in the new xml editor and xslt debugger. That's not even
to mention the huge amounts of work we performed making a generally
more secure, reliable product. Clearly, I don't have space to mention
all the xml goodness in this release, so get ready to grab a copy and
find out for yourself.

And congratulations to all the developers, testers, program
managers, build engineers and everyone else who worked on the Whidbey
XML team for putting out one great product!

Erik Saltwell