
No blogging means we're working

When I left my last job before I joined Microsoft, my former boss told me he knew I’m working because I didn’t have any time to blog.

I’m just fully swamped by the local demand in Israel for Visual Studio 2005, sometimes I give 3 talks a day from Team System to what’s new in ASP.NET 2.0. It’s not easy.

In the past few weeks we started to work on the next big developer conference in Israel which will take place on the 25th of November called .NET DEEP DIVE, which I think is a cool brand name for what we’re doing there. Currently we have 1800 registered developers coming to it, this is a great number. On the last Dev Days we had 1200 and we ran out of place. Although the site is in Hebrew you can still read the titles, take a look. I’m delivering the keynote on Visual Studio 2005, Roy Osherove gives 2 talks on TDD and a special talk on cool tools he knows, Gadi Meir is delivering his excellent talk on Debugging and a 2nd one on Enterprise Services, Memi Lavie will talk about Design Time Programming which I reviewed today and is looking amazing, Jackie Goldstein will talk about .NET worst practices, Alik Levin which took the Red Pill not long ago will talk about ASP.NET and Yair Siwak which is the local XML guru will talk about Messaging and WSE.