
Pre-Order for Coding Faster: Getting More Productive with Microsoft Visual Studio is Available









I just go the news that you you can pre-order the my book coming out entitled  Coding Faster: Getting More Productive with Microsoft Visual Studio.  As you may recall this is the complete revision of the tips found on the blog with new text, images, and summary data.  This is the one book that every Visual Studio developer should have in their library.  It covers versions 2005, 2008, and 2010 so we can get the tips out to people who are still using older versions of Visual Studio.  Help me get the word out and let’s see if we can get this into the hands of people who want to use VS better and faster!


As always, thanks to all of you for making this become a reality.  Make sure to give me open, honest feedback on what you think about the book and how we can make it better going forward.  As you know, I listen to what you say and I’m particularly proud that we got the title of the book from the community instead of some corporate people making one up.  :)