
Streaming endpoints overview

In Microsoft Azure Media Services (AMS), a Streaming Endpoint represents a streaming service that can deliver content directly to a client player application, or to a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for further distribution. Media Services also provides seamless Azure CDN integration. The outbound stream from a StreamingEndpoint service can be a live stream, a video on demand, or progressive download of your asset in your Media Services account. Each Azure Media Services account includes a default StreamingEndpoint. Additional StreamingEndpoints can be created under the account. There are two versions of StreamingEndpoints, 1.0 and 2.0. Starting with January 10th 2017, any newly created AMS accounts will include version 2.0 default StreamingEndpoint. Additional streaming endpoints that you add to this account will also be version 2.0. This change will not impact the existing accounts; existing StreamingEndpoints will be version 1.0 and can be upgraded to version 2.0. With this change there will be behavior, billing and feature changes (for more information, see the Streaming types and versions section documented below).

Azure Media Services added the following properties to the Streaming Endpoint entity: CdnProvider, CdnProfile, StreamingEndpointVersion. For detailed overview of these properties, see this.

When you create an Azure Media Services account a default standard streaming endpoint is created for you in the Stopped state. You cannot delete the default streaming endpoint. Depending on the Azure CDN availability in the targeted region, by default newly created default streaming endpoint also includes "StandardVerizon" CDN provider integration.


Azure CDN integration can be disabled before starting the streaming endpoint. The hostname and the streaming URL remains the same whether or not you enable CDN.

This topic gives an overview of the main functionalities that are provided by streaming endpoints.

Naming conventions

For the default endpoint: {AccountName}.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net

For any additional endpoints: {EndpointName}-{AccountName}.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net

Streaming types and versions

Standard/Premium types (version 2.0)

Starting with the January 2017 release of Media Services, you have two streaming types: Standard (preview) and Premium. These types are part of the Streaming endpoint version "2.0".

Type Description
Standard The default Streaming Endpoint is a Standard type, can be changed to the Premium type by adjusting streaming units.
Premium This option is suitable for professional scenarios that require higher scale or control. You move to a Premium type by adjusting streaming units.
Dedicated Streaming Endpoints live in isolated environment and do not compete for resources.

For customers looking to deliver content to large internet audiences, we recommend that you enable CDN on the Streaming Endpoint.

For more detailed information, see the Compare Streaming types following section.

Classic type (version 1.0)

For users who created AMS accounts prior to the January 10 2017 release, you have a Classic type of a streaming endpoint. This type is part of the streaming endpoint version "1.0".

If your version "1.0" streaming endpoint has >=1 premium streaming units (SU), it will be premium streaming endpoint and will provide all AMS features (just like the Standard/Premium type) without any additional configuration steps.


Classic streaming endpoints (version "1.0" and 0 SU), provides limited features and doesn't include a SLA. You should migrate to Standard type to get a better experience and to use features like dynamic packaging or encryption and other features that come with the Standard type. To migrate to the Standard type, go to the Azure portal and select Opt-in to Standard. For more information about migration, see the migration section.

Beware that this operation cannot be rolled back and has a pricing impact.

Comparing streaming types


Type StreamingEndpointVersion ScaleUnits CDN Billing
Classic 1.0 0 NA Free
Standard Streaming Endpoint (preview) 2.0 0 Yes Paid
Premium Streaming Units 1.0 >0 Yes Paid
Premium Streaming Units 2.0 >0 Yes Paid


Feature Standard Premium
Throughput Up to 600 Mbps and can provide a much higher effective throughput when a CDN is used. 200 Mbps per streaming unit (SU). Can provide a much higher effective throughput when a CDN is used.
CDN Azure CDN, third party CDN, or no CDN. Azure CDN, third party CDN, or no CDN.
Billing is prorated Daily Daily
Dynamic encryption Yes Yes
Dynamic packaging Yes Yes
Scale Auto scales up to the targeted throughput. Additional streaming units.
IP filtering/G20/Custom host 1 Yes Yes
Progressive download Yes Yes
Recommended usage Recommended for the vast majority of streaming scenarios. Professional usage.

1 Only used directly on the Streaming Endpoint when the CDN is not enabled on the endpoint.

For SLA information, see Pricing and SLA.

Migration between types

From To Action
Classic Standard Need to opt-in
Classic Premium Scale(additional streaming units)
Standard/Premium Classic Not available(If streaming endpoint version is 1.0. It is allowed to change to classic with setting scaleunits to "0")
Standard (with/without CDN) Premium with the same configurations Allowed in the started state. (via Azure portal)
Premium (with/without CDN) Standard with the same configurations Allowed in the started state (via Azure portal)
Standard (with/without CDN) Premium with different config Allowed in the stopped state (via Azure portal). Not allowed in the running state.
Premium (with/without CDN) Standard with different config Allowed in the stopped state (via Azure portal). Not allowed in the running state.
Version 1.0 with SU >= 1 with CDN Standard/Premium with no CDN Allowed in the stopped state. Not allowed in the started state.
Version 1.0 with SU >= 1 with CDN Standard with/without CDN Allowed in the stopped state. Not allowed in the started state. Version 1.0 CDN will be deleted and new one created and started.
Version 1.0 with SU >= 1 with CDN Premium with/without CDN Allowed in the stopped state. Not allowed in the started state. Classic CDN will be deleted and new one created and started.